学术报告:The biology of coastal erosion


       报告题目: The biology of coastal erosion

       报   告   人:Professor David M Paterson, University of St Andrews

       时       间:2016年4月6日(周三)上午9:00-10:00

       地       点:严恺馆502


       The distribution of sediments controls the ecology and dynamics of many important coastal ecosystems, including sandy beaches, mudflats, sand dunes and salt marshes. To fully understand the dynamics of these systems it is critical to know the ways in which their constituent particles are transported and how they behave when exposed to erosive force. This knowledge will help develop models to predict how these systems might react to the external forcing of winds and waves.  However, achieving this understanding is a challenge because of the complex interactions between physics and biology that controls the precise behaviour of natural sediments. This presentation will outline the pervasive effects of biology on sediment dynamics and introduce recent advanced in the measurement understanding of the biological control of sediment behaviour.



       Professor David M. Patersonhas an international reputation in coastal research, with >140 peer-  reviewed publications (WoK H index = 39). His group (The Sediment Ecology Research Group: SERG, St Andrews University, UK) has led the study of factors influencing the biological mediation of sediment dynamics and the ecosystem function of depositional systems. From the 1980s his work has advanced the understanding of how the physical dynamics of depositional systems is influenced by biological processes such as bioturbation and biostabilisation. In recent years he has also been concerned with habitat restoration and the ecosystem approach using the valuation of ecosystem functions to assist with coastal marine planning and policy. Professor Paterson has led major research initiatives in the UK and across Europe and he has successful supervised more than 25 Ph.D. students.


       Personal chair: University of St Andrews. Director of SERG.

       Executive Director: The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS).

       Council member: The Marine Biological Association, UK.

       Chair: The Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Advisory Group (SOTEAG) .

       Marine Science Scotland Scientific Advisory Board


       Parsons, D.R., R.J. Schindler, J.A. Hope, J. Malarkey, J.H. Baas, J. Peakall, A.J. Manning, L. Ye, S. Simmons, D.M. Paterson, R.J. Aspden, S.J. Bass, A.G. Davies, I.D. Lichtman and P.D. Thorne, 2016. The role of biophysical cohesion on subaqueous bed form size. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 1566-1573, doi: 10.1002/2016GL067667.

       Malarkey, J., Baas, J.H., Hope, J.A., Aspden, R.J., Parsons, D.R., Peakall, J., Paterson, D.M.,  Schindler, R.J., Ye, L., Lichtman, I.D.,Bass, S.J., Davies, A.G., Manning, A.J., Thorne, P.D., 2015. The pervasive role of biological cohesion in bedform development. Nature Communications.doi: 10.1038/ncomms7257.

       Garrard, S.L., Gambi, M.C., Scipion, M.B., Patti, F.P., Lorenti, M., Zupo, V. Paterson, D.M. ,Buia, M. 2014. Indirect effectsmaybuffer negative responses of seagrass invertebrate communities to ocean acidification. JEMBE. 461 (2014) 31–38.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2014.07.011

       Passarelli C., Olivier, F., Paterson, D.M. ,Meziane, T., Hubas, C. 2014. Organisms as cooperative ecosystem engineers in intertidalflats.Journal of Sea Research. 465: 85-97. DOI 10.10161j.seares.2013.07.010