学术报告:Patterns in the Sand


汇报题目:Patterns in the Sand

报告人:Associate Professor, Dr Giovanni Coco, The University of Auckland (New Zealand)




Giovanni Coco obtained a PhD with a thesis on nearshore morphodynamics at the University of Plymouth (UK). After 3 years at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography (USA) and 8 years at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NZ), in 2011 he joined the University of Cantabria (Spain) with an Excellence fellowship. In 2015 he returned to New Zealand at the University of Auckland where he is currently Associate Professor in the Faculty of Science. His research focuses on coastal processes using a variety of approaches that include numerical and data-driven modeling informed by field and laboratory observations. He currently works on projects dealing the hydro- and morphodynamics of the swash and surf zone, inner shelf, tidal inlets and estuaries under climatic changes. He is the Associate Editor of Earth Surface Dynamics, and former Editor of Journal of Geophysical Research (Earth Surface).