学术期刊《Shock and Vibration》专刊征稿启事
由于液体晃荡动力过程中存在的强非线性以及水-气、水-结构等多物理场耦合现象,因而仍存在大量亟需解决的问题。为了促进液体晃荡动力学基础理论和工程技术方面的交流和发展,在学术期刊《Shock and Vibration》的专刊旨在征集最新的预测和评估晃荡载荷和结构响应及两者耦合效应的研究成果,以及相关综述性文章。主题将聚焦于,但不限于液体晃荡波浪的数值和试验模拟、破碎波和掺气流、波浪与结构物相互作用及水弹性、晃荡砰击载荷的概率分析与表征、数据驱动的晃荡响应预测、减晃技术和装置、新型液体晃荡阻尼装置。
Liquid sloshing is an important phenomenon in many applications such as spacecraft navigation, ship transportation, and inland storage. In most cases, the sloshing phenomenon causes adverse effects by generating large sloshing impact loads and overturning moments, which either induce local damages to structures or trigger global stabilities of vessels. On the other hand, the sloshing waves can also be utilized to dampen energies of undesirable vibrations of a structure.
The accurate prediction and evaluation of sloshing-induced adverse effects are of paramount significance for the safety design and operation of aerospace/marine vessels and some inland structures. The knowledge gain in this field will further stimulate inventions of sloshing mitigation and sloshing damper devices. Therefore, substantial research has been devoted to examining the sloshing phenomenon. Due to the high nonlinearity and multi-physics coupling (e.g. water-air, water-solid structures), however, many problems in sloshing require further investigation. Under the background of global climate change, the extreme ocean waves are projected to increase in frequency and intensity. This further necessitates the reliable prediction of sloshing dynamics in the sea environment.
In this context, this Special Issue aims to gather the latest developments of advanced technologies in predicting/evaluating sloshing-induced loads and structural responses and their coupling effects. Review articles that portray the state-of-the-art development of relevant topics are also welcome.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
Numerical and experimental modelling of sloshing waves
Breaking waves and aerated flows
Wave structure interaction and hydroelasticity
Probability analysis and characterization of sloshing-induced slamming loads
Data-driven enhanced sloshing prediction
Conceptualisation and investigation of sloshing mitigation
Sloshing damper devices
《Shock and Vibration》简介
该期刊属于OA期刊,由Hindawi出版发行,被SCI(Science Citation Index Expanded)等多个数据库检索,影响因子1.298。
专刊特邀主编(Guest Editors)
薛米安 教授(河海大学)
郑金海 教授(河海大学)
罗 敏 博士(Swansea University, UK)
投稿要求(Submission instructions)
(二)截稿日期(Submission deadline)
(三)出版日期(Publishing data)
(四)投稿网址(Online submission)
5.1投稿时请选择Special Issue: Advances in Prediction and Evaluation of Liquid Sloshing Dynamics
5.2论文格式请参考Shock and Vibration官网“Author guidelines”.