出生年月: 1978年12月
出 生 地: 江苏镇江
研究兴趣: 河口海岸带地下水与地表水相互作用
电子信箱: kongjun@hhu.edu.cnn
2014/05 – 至今 河海大学,港口海岸与近海工程学院,教授
2012/03 – 2014/04,河海大学,港口海岸与近海工程学院,副教授
2007/03 – 2012/02,河海大学,港口航道及海岸工程学院,讲师
2001/09 – 2007/02,河海大学,港口航道及海岸工程学院,助教
2013/08 – 2013/10,香港中文大学,内地及台湾访问学者计划
2010/11 – 2011/11,澳大利亚昆士兰大学,土木工程学院,国家公派访问学者
2010/07 – 2013/07,南京水利科学研究院,博士后
2005/09 – 2009/04,河海大学,港口海岸与近海工程学院,博士
2002/09 – 2005/03,河海大学,港口海岸与近海工程学院,硕士
1997/09 – 2001/07,河海大学,港口海岸与近海工程学院,学士
国家自然科学基金青年项目: 潮致地下水在滨海潜水层的传播机制及运动特征,批准号:51009059,2010~2013,负责人
水利部公益性科研专项:珠江河口咸情变化及抑咸对策研究,批准号:201501010-2, 2015~2018,负责人
(1)Jun Kong, Jie Sun, Chunhui Lu, Zhaoyang Luo, Chenji Shen, and Guofen Hua, Comment on “Approximate Boundary Condition for Dupuit-Boussinesq Theory on the Steady Groundwater Flow in an Unconfined Sloping Aquifer with Uniform Recharge” by Wu et al. (2018), Water Resources Research, 2019, doi:10.1029/2018WR024665.
(2)ZY Luo, Jun Kong*, Chenji Shen, Chunhui Lu, et al., Evaluation and application of the modified van Genuchten function for unsaturated porous media, Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 571:279-287.
(3)Chengji Shen, Chenming Zhang, Jun Kong*, Pei Xin, et al.,Solute transport influenced by unstable flow in beach aquifers, Advances in Water Resources, 2019, 125: 68-81.
(4)Luo Z, Shen C, Kong J*, et al. Effects of unsaturated flow on hillslope recession characteristics. Water Resources Research, 2018, 54(3): 2037-2056.
(5)Jun Kong, Chenji Shen, Zhaoyang Luo, et al. Improvement of the Hillslope-Storage Boussinesq model by considering lateral flow in unsaturated zone, Water Resources Research, 2016, 52(4): 2965-2984.
(6)Jun Kong, Zhaoyang Luo, Chenji Shen, et al., An alternative Boussinesq equation considering the effect of hysteresis on coastal groundwater waves, Hydrological Processes, 2016, 30:2657-2670.
(7)Jun Kong, Pei Xin, Guofen Hua, et al. Effects of vadose zone on groundwater table fluctuations in unconfined aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 2015, 528: 397-407.
(8)Jun Kong, Pei Xin, Chenji Shen, et al. A High-resolution method for the depth-integrated solute transport equation based on an unstructured mesh. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2013,40:109-127.
(9) Jun Kong, Cheng-Ji Shen, Pei Xin, Zhiyao Song, Ling Li, D.A. Barry, D.-S. Jeng, F. Stagnitti, D. Lockington and J.-Y. Parlange, Capillary effect on water table fluctuations in unconfined aquifers, Water Resources Research, 2013, 49(5):3064-3069.
(10)Jun Kong, Pei Xin, Zhiyao Song, Ling Li. A new model for coupling surface and subsurface water flows: With an application to a lagoon. Journal of Hydrology, 2010, 390:116-120.
(11)Ye R, Zhang C, Kong J*, et al. A non-negative and high-resolution finite volume method for the depth-integrated solute transport equation using an unstructured triangular mesh[J]. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 18(6): 1379-1411.
(12)Jun Kong, Mingjie Pan, Chengji Shen, Guofen Hua, Hongjun Zhao. Analysis of the Morphological Changes and Related Sediment Transport Mechanisms of the Baisha Shoal in the Qiongzhou Strait, China, Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, 32(6): 1428-1444.
(13)Jun Kong, Chengji Shen, Ronghui Ye. Analytical research on the tidally-induced groundwater wave propagation mechanism in coastal aquifers, Journal of Coastal Research, 2013, Special Issue 65, 1945-1950.
(14)Kong Jun, Song Zhi-yao, Xin Pei, Shen Cheng-ji. A new analytical solution for tide-induced groundwater fluctuations in an unconfined aquifer with a sloping beach. China Ocean Engineering, 2011, 25(3): 479-494.
(15)Kong Jun, SONG Zhiyao, XIA Yunfeng and ZHANG Weisheng. Characteristics of water and sediment exchange between Yangtze Estuary and Hangzhou Bay. China Ocean Engineering, 2007, 21(2):255-266.
(16)Pan M, Kong J*, Luo Z, et al. Influence of Typhoon Path on Salt Water Intrusion in the Modaomen Waterway, China[J]. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 85(sp1): 936-940.
(17)Jing L, Kong J*, Wang Q, et al. An Improved Contaminant Source Identification Method for Sudden Water Pollution Accident in Coaster Estuaries[J]. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 85(sp1): 946-950.
(18)Xin, P., Dan, H. C., Zhou, T., Lu, C., Kong, J., & Li, L. An analytical solution for predicting the transient seepage from a subsurface drainage system. Advances in Water Resources, 2016, 91, 1-10.
(19)Shen, C., Guangqiu Jin, P. Xin, J. Kong, and L. Li, Effects of salinity variations on pore water flow in salt marshes, Water Resources Research, 2015, 51, doi: 10.1002/2015WR016911.
(20)G.F. Hua, Z.W. Zhao, Jun. Kong, R. Guo, Y.T. Zeng, L.F. Zhao, Q.D. Zhu. Effects of plant roots on the hydraulic performance during the clogging process in mesocosm vertical flow constructed wetlands. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014, 21:13017-13026.
(21)Pei Xin, Jun Kong, Ling Li, D.A.Barry. Effects of soil stratigraphy on pore-water flow in a creek-marsh system. Journal of Hydrology, 2012, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.09.047.
(22)Zhao, H., Song, Z., Li, L., & Kong, J. On the Fourier approximation method for steady water waves. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(5), 37-47.
(23)Zhang Z, Song Z, Kong J, et al. A new r‐ratio formulation for TVD schemes for vertex‐centered FVM on an unstructured mesh(J). International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2015.
(24)Yuan Li Rong, Xin Pei, Kong Jun. A coupled model for simulating surface water and groundwater interactions in coastal wetlands. Hydrological Processes, 2011, 25(23): 3533-3546.
(25)Lei Zhiyi, Zhang Jinshan, Kong Jun. Numerical Simulation of Water Level Under Interaction Between Runoff and Estuarine Dynamics in Tidal Reach of the Yangtze River. China Ocean Eengineering, 2009, 23(3): 543-551.
(26)Song Zhiyao, Li Ling, Kong Jun. A new analytical solution of tidal water table fluctuations in a coastal unconfined aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 2007, 340(3): 256-260.
(27)Song Zhiyao, Zhang Honggui, Kong Jun. A time-dependent numerical model of the mild-slope equation. Acta oceanologica Sinica, 2007, 26(2):106-114.
(28)Lv Z J, Kong J, Luo Z Y, et al. Two dimensional numerical simulation study of salinity in Modaomen estuary(C)//Water Resources and Environment: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Water Resources and Environment (Beijing, 25-28 July 2015). CRC Press, 2015: 159.
(29)Kong J, Luo Z, Sun H, et al. Discussion on the boussinesq-type equations for ground water wave in coastal aquifer[J]. International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers, 2014.
(30)Jun Kong, Chen Cheng, Chenji Shen. Study on the role of sediment dike in the port construction near silt coast, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 204-208 (2012):2298-2308.
(31)Kong, Jun; Song, Zhiyao; Zhang, Zhuo Predicting water fluctuation in coastal enclosed lagoon using integrated two-dimensional surface and subsurface water model, 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2010.
(32) Kong Jun, Xue Xiaoxiao. Tidal movement characteristics outside the Pearl River estuary and its influence on the mouths, The 28th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, OMAE 2009, Hawaii, USA.
(33)孔俊,宋志尧. 基于扩展型浅水方程的地表水与地下水整体数值模型.水动力学研究与进展A, 2010,25(4): 460-468.
(34)孔俊, 刘建, 宋志尧, 王万战. 潮致地下水环流对黄河口外海含氮量的影响. 人民黄河, 2010, 32(2):32-34.
(35)孔俊,宋志尧,张金善等. 风暴潮模拟中潮位对风拖曳力系数的影响研究.海洋预报,2008,25:74-79.
(36)孔俊, 宋志尧, 张红贵. 非结构型浅水方程数值模式及应用. 河海大学学报, 2006, 34(4): 456-459.
(37)孔俊, 宋志尧, 章卫胜. 挟沙能力公式系数的最佳确定. 海洋工程, 2005, 23(1): 93-96.
(38) 孔俊, 宋志尧, 陈秀华. 海岸河口水域流速分离方法初探. 河海大学学报, 2001, 29(5): 13-17.
(1) 国家标准规范:中华人民共和国国家标准《海湾围填海生态环境影响评价技术导则》, GB/T29726-2013.
(2) 王义刚, 宋志尧, 姜翠玲, 孔俊. 福建省海湾数模与环境研究-三沙湾, 海洋出版社, 2010.
(3) 杨明远, 严以新, 孔俊, 宋志尧. 珠江口水流泥沙运动模拟研究, 海洋出版社, 2008.
(4) 叶荣辉,何用,余顺超,孔俊. 珠江河口咸潮模拟及预报,海洋出版社,2017.
(1)2006.8 江苏省优秀硕士论文
(2)2010.8 江苏省优秀博士论文
(6)2014.12 《宁波港北仑港域海床稳定性及回淤研究》,中国港口协会科学技术奖,二等奖,排名第10
(1) 孔俊,翟秋,一种船闸安全气囊,专利号:201410845606.5
(2) 孔俊,翟秋,一种基于履带式工程机械的码头打桩方法,专利号:201510041174.7
(3) 孔俊,翟秋,一种船闸安全绳索系统及控制方法,专利号:201410845740.5
(4) 华国芬,孔俊,赵忠伟,曾奕滔,一种利用超声波解决堵塞的方法,专利号: 201410131261.7
(5) 华国芬,赵忠伟,孔俊,曾奕滔,一种利用超声波解决堵塞的装置,专利号:201410204567.0
(6) 华国芬,孔俊,曾奕滔,赵忠伟,一种轮休措施解决堵塞的方法,专利号:201420159097.6
(7) 荆立,孔俊,章卫胜,王金华,一种河口点源突发性水污染事件溯源方法,专利号:201710430458.4
(8) 孔俊,茅丽华,宋志尧,.《珠江三角洲网河区洪水实时预报软件》,批准号:2010SR026172。
(9) 叶荣辉,孔俊,赵红军.《珠江河口全二维咸潮预报系统》,批准号:2012SR121921。
(10) 孔俊,叶荣辉,赵红军.《珠江河口风暴潮实时预报系统软件》,批准号:2013SR122532。
(11) 孔俊,叶荣辉,《水体中基于物质扩散各向异性特征的输运模拟系统》,批准号:2013SR122694。
(12) 潘明婕,吕紫君,荆立,罗照阳,孔俊,《潮汐河口地表水和地下水运动整体模拟系统V1.0》, 批准号: 2016SR242982。
(13) 荆立,潘明婕,吕紫君,罗照阳,孔俊, 《基于无网格法的水体污染物浓度预测模拟系统V1.0》, 批准号: 2016SR242853。
(14) 罗照阳,孔俊,吕紫君,潘明婕,荆立,《潮滩边坡排水过程模拟系统V1.0》, 批准号:2016SR196818。
(15) 荆立,李敏慧,王青,汪玉平,孔俊,《海岸河口水体中污染物泄露事故溯源分析系统V1.0》,批准号:2017SR384633。
(17) 孙杰,吴彦,韩笑,王青,孔俊,《考虑非饱和区作用的边坡滑移稳定性判别系统V1.0》,批准号:2018SR551558。
(1)国际期刊:Journal of Hydrology, Advances in Water Resources, Hydrogeology Journal, Journal of Coastal Research 审稿人